Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Curious Case of Gifted Children

Many parents are blessed with gifted children of all sorts. Some are totally out of this world and start brushing with advanced mathematical or scientific concepts early on while some show their skills in sports or music or other fields. Whatever shape or size they come in, it puts a lot of pressure on the parents to ensure their talents see the light of the day and also that they stay grounded and evolve into a good citizen.

I have seen a few cases myself and heard about others and think it is very important for parents to balance things out. On one hand, you hear cases where gifted and talented kids commit suicide when they are not stimulated enough and have to undergo the boredom of 7 hours at school with kid who are same age but cognitively years behind. On the other hand, you hear cases of kids who are sent to these advanced classes to harness their cognitive abilities and in the process become socially awkward and not able to get along others when they grow up.

The key is to find the balance and may be sacrifice a little bit on both sides and raise a kid who is able to harness their mental energy but at the same time, developing socially as well.

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Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Big Baby Experiment

A London lab is deploying every technology it can to understand infant brains, and what happens when development goes awry.

Read more here: